509+552 Google Reader articles. 32 tweeted. (Including retweets)
- Impressions of Afghanistan http://bit.ly/cKOB8z H/T Fallows http://bit.ly/bTI1FT
- Career Death By PowerPoint http://bit.ly/dC3gPe more on http://bit.ly/9y1ZpT with link to How to Get out of Afghanistan http://bit.ly/9VlLBP
- Mortgage Fraud http://bit.ly/aCrAIE Banksters claim: It wasn't rape, the American people were asking to be screwed.
- Five Notes On The Iraq Speech ATTACKERMAN http://bit.ly/apqW55 Generally positive on getting out of Afghanistan. On how Iraq was played
- Why Are NACA’s Innovative Mortgage Modification Marathons Below the Radar? http://bit.ly/a6uEw6 Conventional Media works for the Banksters
- Obama's Speech Recap http://bit.ly/aulGaQ Positive review: Drum was apparently "able to get a sense of his soul" http://bbc.in/8YlNop
- My prayer for Rupert Murdoch: Let him be bankrupt and unemployed before he burns in hell http://bit.ly/claiJ0 From your lips to God's ears
- Tom Tomorrow: Scary scary news scary! http://bit.ly/csLfiY Plagiarist. All his ideas belong to Fox News: Guarding the Henhouse of Democracy
- Corexit Found In Swimming Pool Of Sickened Florida Family http://bit.ly/cB4Lko
- Now Get Those Damned Vets Off My Lawn http://bit.ly/bBjjJA Cause Simpson can only finance so much Tax Cut $ for the Rich off the old people
- Sorry, incomplete Tweet: Iraq: What Did We Win, And What Did It Cost? http://bit.ly/c0G2Bf Official Answers to both questions: D: STFU DFH
- Iraq: What Did We Win, And What Did It Cost? http://bit.ly/c0G2Bf Official Answers to both questions: D: STFU
- Corporate America crying over executive pay disclosure http://bit.ly/amcs54 Sunshine the best disinfectant and BS the best lobbyist tool
- Gilpin Family Whisky made from diabetics' urine http://bit.ly/bMsyWG Too many jokes, twitter overloaded H/T Slashdot http://bit.ly/aSzZR1
- God is an abortionist http://bit.ly/9Taihn Just to post something non-controversial
- Lawrence O’Donnell is Dangerously Wrong About Social Security http://bit.ly/b2QLmb Just to show that Democrats can be assholes too
- Drew Westen: What Created the Populist Explosion and How Democrats Can Avoid the Shrapnel in November http://huff.to/bFZwR1 worth reading
- Conservatives: government for me not for you http://bit.ly/ar851P
- Days from death, Fla. wildlife officials free plastic jar that was stuck on bear cub's head http://bit.ly/btbiQu Save the Jar, save the Bear
- Just realized, conservatism is based on denying basic economic truth. Economic growth is not zero sum, better for us not worse for the rich
- Hidden Energy Costs- Unpriced Energy Production & Use Cost http://bit.ly/9nni47 H/T http://bit.ly/aUgY39 H/T*2 Atrios http://bit.ly/cTEXdZ
- Good comment: Dems have squandered every opportunity to provide leadership to address anxiety and concern people feel http://bit.ly/dnWe6N
- BagNewsNotes Kind of thing I worry about. Story: Obama trusts public will sort out religion rumors. Photo: O hosts WH Ramadan dinner http://bit.ly/9kmg2Z 6:40 PM Aug 30th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you
- Koch Industries Has Financial Stake in Derivatives and Pharmaceuticals, Not Just Oil http://bit.ly/ceIIdW So destroying government is good.
- What happens when religious right leader Maggie Gallagher meets St. Peter http://bit.ly/aTLi5K
- Beck rally crowd size by the numbers http://bit.ly/96WQck 20 people on a queen sized mattress.
- Billionaire Who Denies Connection to Tea Parties Bankrolls Tea-Partying Glenn Beck Fans http://bit.ly/cPaHmp H/T Digby http://bit.ly/d2lHwq
- No Sound And Fury http://bit.ly/b30YSr WH clueless on messaging. What have they done in the last 30 days to inspire the base ?
- lee fang has been covering the (Like to buy the world ) Koch brothers for a while http://bit.ly/awnVmL
- The Tax that cannot speak its name http://bit.ly/cehYqX Small person at $200k/yr pays taxes about the same rates as a Richie making $200m
- Politico notices Hispanics Leaving Democrats http://bit.ly/9K4Fgz More kick the base political strategy
- Peter Daou: Vital Lessons from the Health Reform Wars http://huff.to/b7TBSn H/T Ian Welsh http://bit.ly/cCXPH9
Update: changed urls to links.