Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tweets of Yesterday (8/30/2010 - 8/31/10)

   509+552 Google Reader articles. 32 tweeted. (Including retweets)

  1. Impressions of Afghanistan http://bit.ly/cKOB8z H/T Fallows http://bit.ly/bTI1FT
  2. Career Death By PowerPoint http://bit.ly/dC3gPe more on http://bit.ly/9y1ZpT with link to How to Get out of Afghanistan http://bit.ly/9VlLBP
  3. Mortgage Fraud http://bit.ly/aCrAIE Banksters claim: It wasn't rape, the American people were asking to be screwed.
  4. Five Notes On The Iraq Speech ATTACKERMAN http://bit.ly/apqW55 Generally positive on getting out of Afghanistan. On how Iraq was played
  5. Why Are NACA’s Innovative Mortgage Modification Marathons Below the Radar? http://bit.ly/a6uEw6 Conventional Media works for the Banksters
  6. Obama's Speech Recap http://bit.ly/aulGaQ Positive review: Drum was apparently "able to get a sense of his soul" http://bbc.in/8YlNop
  7. My prayer for Rupert Murdoch: Let him be bankrupt and unemployed before he burns in hell http://bit.ly/claiJ0 From your lips to God's ears
  8. Tom Tomorrow: Scary scary news scary! http://bit.ly/csLfiY Plagiarist. All his ideas belong to Fox News: Guarding the Henhouse of Democracy
  9. Corexit Found In Swimming Pool Of Sickened Florida Family http://bit.ly/cB4Lko
  10. Now Get Those Damned Vets Off My Lawn http://bit.ly/bBjjJA Cause Simpson can only finance so much Tax Cut $ for the Rich off the old people
  11. Sorry, incomplete Tweet: Iraq: What Did We Win, And What Did It Cost? http://bit.ly/c0G2Bf Official Answers to both questions: D: STFU DFH
  12. Iraq: What Did We Win, And What Did It Cost? http://bit.ly/c0G2Bf Official Answers to both questions: D: STFU
  13. Corporate America crying over executive pay disclosure http://bit.ly/amcs54 Sunshine the best disinfectant and BS the best lobbyist tool
  14. Gilpin Family Whisky made from diabetics' urine http://bit.ly/bMsyWG Too many jokes, twitter overloaded H/T Slashdot http://bit.ly/aSzZR1
  15. God is an abortionist http://bit.ly/9Taihn Just to post something non-controversial
  16. Lawrence O’Donnell is Dangerously Wrong About Social Security http://bit.ly/b2QLmb Just to show that Democrats can be assholes too
  17. Drew Westen: What Created the Populist Explosion and How Democrats Can Avoid the Shrapnel in November http://huff.to/bFZwR1 worth reading
  18. Conservatives: government for me not for you http://bit.ly/ar851P
  19. Days from death, Fla. wildlife officials free plastic jar that was stuck on bear cub's head http://bit.ly/btbiQu Save the Jar, save the Bear
  20. Just realized, conservatism is based on denying basic economic truth. Economic growth is not zero sum, better for us not worse for the rich
  21. Hidden Energy Costs- Unpriced Energy Production & Use Cost http://bit.ly/9nni47 H/T http://bit.ly/aUgY39 H/T*2 Atrios http://bit.ly/cTEXdZ
  22. Good comment: Dems have squandered every opportunity to provide leadership to address anxiety and concern people feel http://bit.ly/dnWe6N
  23.  BagNewsNotes Kind of thing I worry about. Story: Obama trusts public will sort out religion rumors. Photo: O hosts WH Ramadan dinner http://bit.ly/9kmg2Z 6:40 PM Aug 30th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you
  24. Koch Industries Has Financial Stake in Derivatives and Pharmaceuticals, Not Just Oil http://bit.ly/ceIIdW So destroying government is good.
  25. What happens when religious right leader Maggie Gallagher meets St. Peter http://bit.ly/aTLi5K
  26. Beck rally crowd size by the numbers http://bit.ly/96WQck 20 people on a queen sized mattress.
  27. Billionaire Who Denies Connection to Tea Parties Bankrolls Tea-Partying Glenn Beck Fans http://bit.ly/cPaHmp H/T Digby http://bit.ly/d2lHwq
  28. No Sound And Fury http://bit.ly/b30YSr WH clueless on messaging. What have they done in the last 30 days to inspire the base ?
  29. lee fang has been covering the (Like to buy the world ) Koch brothers for a while http://bit.ly/awnVmL
  30. The Tax that cannot speak its name http://bit.ly/cehYqX Small person at $200k/yr pays taxes about the same rates as a Richie making $200m
  31. Politico notices Hispanics Leaving Democrats http://bit.ly/9K4Fgz More kick the base political strategy
  32. Peter Daou: Vital Lessons from the Health Reform Wars http://huff.to/b7TBSn H/T Ian Welsh http://bit.ly/cCXPH9
Update: changed urls to links.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tweets of Yesterday (8/27/2010 - 8/29/10)

   1018 Google Reader articles. 34 tweeted.

  1. Tea Party Sheds the Libertarian Fig Leaf, Goes Full Fundie http://bit.ly/cypMZW Helps Mittens over Huckleberry cause Beck's a Mormon
  2. Brazil’s Smartphone Census http://bit.ly/bBICUq 7% the cost of US census 66% of US population. Guess our corporate corruption hurts
  3. Amendment 63 - The Health Care TABOR Amendment http://bit.ly/b5GQuF another reactionary TABOR style proposal. VOTE NO on Amendment 63
  4. Glenn Beck Goes Messianic at America's Divine Destiny Event http://bit.ly/9XLFBx rundown of the religious winger leaders he had on stage
  5. Shrill One: Predictions I Wish Had Been Wrong http://nyti.ms/cU5uq4 Obama crazyhate worse than Clinton crazyhate http://nyti.ms/cMNh7L
  6. Symbol of Fear: Glenn Beck Wore a Bulletproof Vest At Rally http://bit.ly/d7lbtB
  7. Wikileaks Assange details on the smear http://bit.ly/anb4jM Not what most Muricans would call rape.
  8. Koch Brothers go after Alan Grayson and Suzanne Kosmas http://bit.ly/aiOfmW In violation of tax laws for non-profits
  9. Terrorists burn religious site http://bit.ly/9v7jjX Are they from Beckistan ?
  10. The Historical Fiction of Glenn Beck http://bit.ly/cpQvfQ "Those who fail history have to repeat it in summer school" Buffy Summers
  11. Nonsense from Deficit Peacocks Threatens to Keep Tens of Millions Needlessly Unemployed http://bit.ly/aMqw8H The War on the Small People
  12. Japan’s Experience: Quantitative Easing Helps Banks, Not Real Economy http://bit.ly/coRL52 i.e. Fed will bail out Banksters not unemployed
  13. The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party http://nyti.ms/9vzSHj see also Invisible Hands http://amzn.to/b0X4in
  14. Have we underestimated Chinese consumption? http://bit.ly/9jqV1J Chinese has inequality like US. H/T Yves Smith http://bit.ly/96yi7f
  15. Congress may sneak through Internet ‘kill switch’ in defense bill http://bit.ly/anNE7j
  16. What are the obstacles to being a landlord? http://bit.ly/cYWgsO Questions for NYTimes article on housing at http://bit.ly/ciji2M
  17. A Crib Sheet on Wall Street’s Self-Dealing Money Machine http://bit.ly/b0bALq full story at http://bit.ly/9ApcQ1
  18. Just subcribed to ProPublica in my Google Reader http://bit.ly/ca0yef They broke the CDO Ponzi scheme story. Good Reporting still exists
  19. ProPublica and Planet Money Find the Keys to the Kingdom http://bit.ly/c9QLDd More detail on the CDO Ponzi scheme
  20. Tea Party Patriots | Events for Saturday, 8/28/10 http://bit.ly/aQuLum scroll down for bus trips. Tea Party not supporting Beckistan ?
  21. Today the United States faces several hundred bad-tempered men with beards http://bit.ly/aqRVcz
  22. Banks' Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis http://bit.ly/a6nPou How Banksters made hundreds of billions selling crap to each other.
  23. Widespread Fear Freezes Housing Market http://nyti.ms/ciPVph Buyers, Sellers, Lenders all afraid, very afraid and you know rational
  24. Catfood Commission Analysis http://bit.ly/bz6JNI "Why the Democratic Party is attempting a merger with the Plutocratic Party is beyond me"
  25. GOP Funding Octopus http://bit.ly/bOSGIV A very few people spending $400M so that a GOP Congress gets them lots more money and power.
  26. The story of the scripted start of the Tea Party and it's well funded growth http://bit.ly/bWoJqB
  27. Glenn Beck "restores honor" with Abramoff-linked Rabbi http://bit.ly/bW9O4m
  28. Koch: I'd Like To Buy The World http://bit.ly/bN6z1A Tales from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, including a link to the Original Intent memo
  29. AK-Sen: Miller compares Murkowski to prostitute http://bit.ly/dr0GiJ Class act all the way, waiting for Palin to refudiate
  30. Earl Blumenauer: Leading the Way for “Progressive” Democrats to Cut Social Security http://bit.ly/9NDPwq
  31. Grayson, Progressive Groups Join Call to Fire Alan Simpson http://bit.ly/c6vwKH Lots of them
  32. PowerPoints 'R' Us http://bit.ly/dpC18E Colonel tells it like it is and gets shot for effort. http://bit.ly/c2eiwN Truth hurts
  33. Eating Your Own Toxic Waste http://bit.ly/a33Gsl Banksters Ponzi themselves and make money doing it.
  34. What NOM can't spin http://bit.ly/d33AKV (the Anti-Sex League not the googie and kitteh treats http://bit.ly/90e2mC )
Too  many tweets for categories frequency counts.  I use too many characters for tags so I have to figure out a simpler system.  Anyhow this is Friday, Saturday and Sunday combined.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tweets of Yesterday (8/26/2010)

615 Google Reader articles. 18 tweeted.

  1. GOP plan to repeal health care reform would add $455bn to the deficit http://bit.ly/dh2fM6 And $680bn for Tax Cuts for the Rich
  2. Tit's A Big Deal: Alan Simpson's Long History Of Advocating Social Security Cuts http://bit.ly/dqLhb4 Appointed by Obama
  3. President Obama, It’s Time to Can the Catfood Commission http://bit.ly/aTLWxG As Delong says, The Cossacks work for the Czar
  4. John Suthers Did Sell Payday Lending Reform Out? http://bit.ly/d9efn6 for a measly $10K
  5. GOP Earmark hypocracy: Ken Buck has requested at least $5 million in earmarks and grants http://bit.ly/cWel9w
  6. California Foreclosures: the last arrivals at the bottom of the middle class ladder are the first to be pushed off http://bit.ly/bePcmJ
  7. Top Terrorist Funds Fox News http://bit.ly/dtfQk8 No joke (although it's on the Daily Show.)
  8. Re: Bennet DC voicemail I got though at the local office 303-455-7600. It's probably because they are at Recess. http://bit.ly/bbIZId
  9. Now that the Primary is over, Bennet's Senate phone number only has voicemail. 202-224-5852
  10. Save the Salmonella http://bit.ly/bY1cYq Britain began vaccinating hens against the bacteria...virtually wiped out the health threat.
  11. Koch Industries gave funding to the DLC and served on its Executive Council http://bit.ly/cYfAgf more on the funders of sedition
  12. A Tea Party Family History? http://bit.ly/d9ST8H Lot's of links on Koch Family sedition funding
  13. NYT and Matt Bai Falsely Call Social Security Trust Fund a “Lottery”http://bit.ly/9mMSIm Doing their bit in the War on the Small People
  14. Senator Simpson: He’s Not Just Offensive, He’s Ignorant http://bit.ly/b6MVQ7 But an Inspirational Leader in the War on the Small People
  15. Recursive Tweet: Occasional Blog: Tweets of Yesterday (8/25/2010) http://bit.ly/dbKGtn
  16. Fiscal Austerity and “Third World America” http://bit.ly/aR6z9E Calling out the War on the Small People
  17. Despite Reform, Banks Have Room for Risky Deals - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/a9fDx5 H/T http://bit.ly/am0GJJ
  18. Alan Simpson: Social Security Is 'A Milk Cow With 310 Million Tits' [UPDATE] http://huff.to/bjqRRM with Timeline and video link
Deficit Peacocks  2
Catfood Commission 4
GOP Crooks 2
Colorado 3
War on Small People 10
GOP Lies 2
Corruption 5

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tweets of Yesterday (8/25/2010)

247 Google Reader articles. 16 tweeted.

  • Anti-big government GOP terrified of "privatization" (the word, not, you know, doing it) http://bit.ly/dCqTRg
  • Healthcare For Students Right Wing lies about Health Care. Expect a lot of them. http://bit.ly/a11mrN
  • What the elites are trying to steal from us, and why http://bit.ly/8YxNaY The war on the small people
  • Fire Alan Simpson http://nyti.ms/a95LlN At least the Shrill One is on our side. Petition http://bit.ly/9s6X7z WH comment line 202-456-1111
  • Jobless Organize to Remove Republican Royalists From Their Jobs http://bit.ly/bTSH1j If the unemployed vote against the GOP, they're screwed
  • "310 Million Tits" - If Simpson Doesn't Resign, The President Must Fire Him http://bit.ly/d3F0UJ
  • Tell Pres. Obama's deficit commission to cut military spending, not Social Security. http://bit.ly/bnyE0N Pls sign and RT #p2
  • DeLay appears headed for trial: Austin American-StatesmanJohn Colyandro, above left, and Jim Ellis, above center, ... http://bit.ly/9oMpso retweeted
  • Recursive Tweet: Occasional Blog: Tweets of Yesterday (8/24/2010) http://bit.ly/9JT352
  • Corporate pension funds earnings assumptions http://bit.ly/cl8BiP Cut by 2%-3%, and cash-heavy corporate balance sheets don't look so good
  • The Mosque Post http://bit.ly/91dcJG Introduces the great term: "non-troversy"
  • Tell Alan Simpson - We've had it. http://bit.ly/9s6X7z Petition to remove him as Chair of Catfood commission for "310 million tits"
  • Is It Time For Class Warfare? http://bit.ly/bkBf7R
  • Chart of the Day: Housing Prices Since WWII http://bit.ly/bGLFFA read the chart then rent
  • ColoradoPols.com:: Ken Buck Actually More to the Right Than Dan Maes http://bit.ly/dq1ums
catfood commission 4
colorado politics 1
war on the small people 2
Republican lies 4
Republican crooks 1
Economics and Business 2

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tweets of Yesterday (8/24/2010)

Yesterday I read 247 Google Reader articles.  These are the ones I tweeted.
  • Daily Kos: Murdoch published Imam Rauf's book on Islam and America http://bit.ly/cr6VzA
  • The Anti Defamation League has gone Neocon http://bit.ly/9QjX4u Very sad. They used to be righteous
  • The New Yorker Maps Koch Industries' Right-Wing funding, leaves out FreedomWorks (Teabag funder) also Koch funded http://bit.ly/9Jve2Y
  • God, no. Don't make me agree with John Boehner calling for mass firing of Obama economic team, Geithner and Summers http://bit.ly/dzUG5L
  • Yes, Bush Tax cuts give $3 Million per plutocrat http://nyti.ms/bmZrTT Krugman shows his work for the slow (and mendacious) class members
  • US to spend $1.3 billion on Afghanistan bases http://bit.ly/azUozG
  • Bush - America's First Muslim President http://bit.ly/bbcjQW GOP can say goodbye to Islamic vote
  • How Has It Come to This? http://bit.ly/d3YjMh Finally photos of BP what did
I fix typos when I see them in writing these posts.