- Laid off teachers in Chicago surprised by "secret" rating method. New Teacher Project involved. http://bit.ly/dghVdv
- Tea Party is a media spectacle managed by billionaires to give working people the illusion of power http://bit.ly/bPIbe5
- Billionaires give 91 percent of funds for Rove-tied group http://bit.ly/c6Q6y2 So handy not to have to call too many people
- World in Revolt: The Global Backlash Against Budget Cuts http://bit.ly/cAdLmE Global like jobs meaning not in the US
- Conyers' Deficit-Neutral Jobs Bill http://bit.ly/boDgm3 Would also cure High Speed Trading abuses
- So How Did the Bush Tax Cuts Work Out for the Economy? http://bit.ly/9MDssW
- 92% of Americans prefer socialism over US system http://bit.ly/aQpBww but that's just when they are confronted with facts
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of education reform? http://bit.ly/cCftxh Charter Schools will save the day, except they won't
- Why I Heart Alan Grayson http://bit.ly/cffzTc Taliban Dan Webster
- @alfranken thanks progressives for getting Elizabeth Warren appointed http://bit.ly/dtlMKy @BoldProgressive #p2 and tell her on what to work
- Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman when to be or not to be a cheerleader is not protected under the First Amendment http://bit.ly/aQf6Jv
- Why is the political right on the offensive in America? http://bit.ly/c1FGif The World Socialist view of the election YMMV
- NYT violates policy and describes Enhanced Interrogation using the T word http://nyti.ms/b1dEYC
- The Barrington Moore Problematic and Its Discontents http://bit.ly/aMIQ6w Whocouldaknown that we would be fighting for the Enlightenment
- NYT notices a lot of money and campaigns against judges but fails to mention that all are right wing http://bit.ly/cvPzjG
- An ad message that was definitely made for today: http://bit.ly/9adYOr Not approved by the WTCU
- GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt Possible Replacement For Larry Summers http://bit.ly/cjubLQ Includes how GE sucked off Government tit
- Decline in Credit Card Debt is banks writing off bad credit card loans http://nyti.ms/cAONQV H/T Shrill One http://nyti.ms/axb4RQ
- Witches for Christine | Time for Christine O'Donnell to come out of the cauldron... http://bit.ly/a2HM3y
- 201 criminal cases where federal judges found prosecutors broke the rules. Abuses jailed innocent people & freed guilty http://bit.ly/cVGWCu
- "Your bank is having to deal with a scary and unfamiliar regulatory landscape, and might well react in unexpected ways" http://bit.ly/bjBrRt
- Millions Were Misspent by Arizona Sheriff’s Office Facing Federal Lawsuit, Officials Say - ProPublica http://bit.ly/cG0A7P
- Self-fulfilling Prophecy Department: The Democratic “Punt” http://bit.ly/aF0ZJR The Blue Dogs would have passed the Tax cuts for the Rich.
- Low-Divorce Jobs http://bit.ly/bSKp08 Remember correlation does not prove causation although the study might suggest a dating strategy
- Rep. Peter DeFazio Turns The Tables, Confronts Shadowy Conservative Group Running Attack Ads Against Him (VIDEO) http://huff.to/dgcbUU
- Progress on the Treason-in-Defense of Slavery Front http://bit.ly/9I9LSV Basic Principles of TIDOS
- Improving Teacher Quality By Paying Teachers More http://bit.ly/cYdDH7 Pay around the world
- Unpacking the GOP’s "Pledge to America" http://bit.ly/aEiTIs Who What and What Not
- Health Care act solved the long term deficit problem http://bit.ly/dbct1v GOP would recreate it. H/T Deling http://bit.ly/9BLWRu
- The Republican View of America: 80% Male, 20% Female; 75% Over 50, 25% Under 50; 99% White, 1% Horse http://bit.ly/dx6bFj Photo evidence
- Iconography of the Pledge on America http://bit.ly/d253yw Perving on The Statue Of Liberty or New Solutions for Wretched Refuse
- Report: Broder & Woodward still taking speaking fees despite WaPo policy http://bit.ly/9x2SiC H/T Susie Madrak http://bit.ly/aEwAh8
- Witless http://bit.ly/8Zdh1M Yes, it's not deja vue, it's memory
- A vanilla-scented pledge http://bit.ly/9bqGRA White Privilege
- The Way Out of the Slump - Paul Krugman and Robin Wells http://bit.ly/ce86si Quantitative Easing or Fed buys debt Calls for courage No Hope
- Neoliberalism and the For-Profit, Predatory Educational Industry: You Can't Regulate a Criminal Enterprise http://bit.ly/aeBWB3
- Orcs are harmless to children's development http://bit.ly/aWaCAU H/T Shrill One http://nyti.ms/bl202g
- Eileen Nearne and the Times Torture Policy http://bit.ly/bUdtu4 AKA Gestapo use of enhanced interogation techniques
- GOP 'Pledge To America' Director Lobbied For AIG, Exxon, Pfizer, Chamber http://huff.to/biHGoP
- Man without Mortgage Loses Home in Foreclosure http://bit.ly/aBamFZ
- New study says protecting net neutrality good for the economy http://bit.ly/becjMj
- Based on history the best way to fix the economy and deficit is not elect Republicans http://bit.ly/d36XXL Those who fail history etc.
- Which CDOs and Banks Had Deals With the Most Cross-ownership? - ProPublica http://bit.ly/bMVV4w
- Exciting News from BP http://bit.ly/c04C4S Youtube 1:24 Scenes from an abusive relationship. H/T First Draft http://bit.ly/dqaMjc
- Peretz, Thomas, and the Middle East double standard http://bit.ly/a7Lu45
- Right Wing Foments Voter Fraud Conspiracies, Hatches ‘Voter Caging’ Plot To Suppress Minority Votes In WI http://bit.ly/9unwqQ
- Gentle, Public Activism: Magnusson’s I-75 Project http://bit.ly/9z2Jyf Historical Markers, Hysterical Markers
- Nitwits and Hypocrites - Video 1:19 with music that makes you want to invade some country http://bit.ly/bA8DvY
- Tell the FCC: We need strong #netneutrality rules now. http://bit.ly/cQZ3Ll
- Progress on #LGBT rights has ground to a halt because of the #filibuster. Tell the Senate: Fix the filibuster. http://bit.ly/boGLAD RT Plz
- Speculation that Summers will be replaced with someone who can like him represent the powerful misogynistic interests http://nyti.ms/avR24m
- GOP made history, you gutless wonders. the first time a defense appropriations bill has failed to pass since 1961. http://bit.ly/dq7GIX
- The Democratic Message http://scr.bi/9nUIoU Why not try the truth for once ?
- Capital Rivals: Koch Brothers vs. George Soros http://bit.ly/bCA1rg How much each spends and to some extent where. (Lots of secrets)
- Federal Agency Failed to Report Disciplined Providers to National Database - ProPublica http://bit.ly/cvaQKj
- It's not right to hold all Christians responsible for the actions of Palin, P2(O'Donnell), the Pope, Pedophile Priests, or the Inquisition.
- Billionaire Bailout Recipient to America: "Suck It In and Cope, Buddy" -- http://bit.ly/daHcaZ
- All Republicans and Blanch Lincoln Block Defense Funding Bill to Sabotage “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal http://bit.ly/aoS4m7
- Vote to give this idea $25K: Promote health by providing affordable wholesome food to families.#pepsirefresh http://pep.si/aeLkdi
- The Quadrotor Drone Learns Several Terrifying New Tricks http://gizmo.do/dg9Hr1 Wait til Skynet gets a hold of it.
- America Needs Jobs' Idea No. 1: A Payroll Tax Holiday http://huff.to/dziga3
- GOP blocks DADT repeal on purity of the senate procedures grounds http://huff.to/cfHsmL
- 20 Ways To Put America Back To Work Again http://huff.to/bJyiNP
- US Businesses & Consumers are NOT Deleveraging. but Going On One Last Binge http://bit.ly/9GjvvW Decrease is debt is mortgage write-offs
- There is No Evidence for the "Structural Unemployment" Story http://bit.ly/dA2mTE 1 job for every 5 workers. No matter how qualified.
- NYT just figures out Republicans are behind the Teabagger movement http://nyti.ms/bIrpnp preferred term:TeaBircher H/T http://bit.ly/aToncV
- NY-18: Lowey's challenger opposes interracial marriage and school integration; supports eugenics. http://bit.ly/drILps GOP denial ? crickets
- Watchdog Faults FBI for ‘Factually Weak’ Basis for Investigating Activists http://bit.ly/b8Z4aA Has someone cloned J. Edgar Hoover ?
- Fannie And Freddie, Again http://nyti.ms/cd1iwA Innocent of causing the Mortgage Backed Security meltdown
- Schadenfreude: There's nothing quite like watching GOP and Tea Partiers rip each other up http://bit.ly/9gt6yo Great Phrase: #Teabircher
- Newt on the economy: Is there any politician more congenitally dishonest than this cretin? http://bit.ly/9aDUC8 Palin but that's cheating.
- Will Sarah Palin run for the presidency in 2012? Duh http://bit.ly/99Pkfb
- co-signed @MaryJoKilroy's letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding Congress vote on middle-class tax cuts: http://bit.ly/bVrUlJ #oh15 RT please
- One Wisconsin Now uncovers organized voter suppression effort http://bit.ly/dD5qQM Next, tasers ?
- The Gingrich Senators http://bit.ly/cVJuJp Funny how the evil that Man does lives on. Of course Caesar was ambitious.
- Flash! Ben Stein Lies! http://bit.ly/bLGPht Flash, someone does the maths and he is either lying or doesn't do math. or both I guess.
- Poll Showing Gains by Paladino Excluded Key Candidate From Ballot http://bit.ly/bnSFqw Rasmess'in with you.
- MSM view of the center http://bit.ly/bZTRjQ Boehner and McConnell rate 96% with the American Conservative Union. Chris Matthews sez "center"
- Jesus' General: My Ad for O'Donnell http://bit.ly/bHygMI Because it's time to end the Tubesock Holocaust
- Meg Whitman Blows Away Self-Funded Federal Candidates in Cash Comparison http://bit.ly/dpJqbS Spreadsheet at http://bit.ly/bxLcRC
- Judges' financial disclosures hard to get http://bit.ly/dpUdpc
- There's No Crying In Nieman Marcus http://bit.ly/aY3npL More on Ben Stein's veracity
- If Peretz is not a bigot, then the word has no meaning. http://bit.ly/bDw5am Well said. Read it and weep for America
- Sex and social justice WWJD http://bit.ly/bkq31e Sex vs Social Justice 1:14
- Ben Stein’s fiscal policy http://bit.ly/dl52Ux as if anyone should ever believe a word he says http://bit.ly/bV1kGB
- BP Says Well Is Sealed, but Oily Gulf and Accountability Questions Remain http://bit.ly/be9cQd
- Structural Impediments http://nyti.ms/bJuYdc People (like Pres. Clinton) are saying plenty of jobs, workers have the wrong skills. WRONG!
- Who Is Responsible for the Progressive "Enthusiasm Gap?" http://bit.ly/9uwiOH Voters are smarter than the White House treats them
- Trying to understand income inequality http://bit.ly/bh7XSh Many causes all dependent on Govt actions http://bit.ly/coQHoq
- Todd Henderson's Century-Ago Predecessor: G.H.M in the Atlantic Monthly in May 1905 http://bit.ly/aJFNlk Rich people always had it hard
- The Angry Rich and Taxes http://nyti.ms/cqnTPZ These days, tax-cutters for the rich aren't even pretending to make the trickle-down case.
- The Golden Age of Television http://bit.ly/chaV7F Featuring a Mini Episode with a surprise ending
- Study Shows Testosterone is Bad For High-Stakes Decisions http://bit.ly/bYPbEi Counter intuitive: Testosterone makes you pull out?
- Private Gains/Public Losses: Inside Job-- The Movie http://bit.ly/c5U7 is Good intro with timeline
- Twitter and the Cowardice of Sarah Palin http://bit.ly/cj4GPT
- In Which Mr. Deling Responds to Someone Who Might Be Professor Todd Henderson http://bit.ly/aI95ji #worthreading SA http://bit.ly/aKXxur
- Vote No Prop 102 (CO) http://bit.ly/bs1ZXB Limits Judges' ability to release non-violent accused without bail $$$ for Bailbonds men RT plz
- Introducing the Mia, our new currency unit. One Mia buys one month in Afghanistan, (currently $6B) http://bit.ly/axQJEn
- A taste and analysis of a Rich whine http://bit.ly/ayn69F overly self indulgent and leaves a bitter after taste H/T Digby AND DeLong
- The Extent of White Advantage http://bit.ly/9SGSFj Blacks & Latinos poor: poorer than poor Whites and their rich less rich than rich Whites
- TARP Was Not a Success – It Simply Institutionalized Fraud http://bit.ly/cYEupl Didn't change the banking system, just funded it.
- This Country Just Can't Deal with Reality Any More http://bit.ly/bpLOOd Truth has been replaced by lies
- Charity Navigator Rating - Solar Electric Light Fund http://bit.ly/cKjl4Y
- Solar Electric Light Fund: About SELF http://bit.ly/diTkul
- The Empire strikes back: By the time Basil III takes effect, they can be eliminated http://bit.ly/9Lxwgt
- How to Write a David Brooks Column http://bit.ly/diF69B Leaves out fake sociology
- Following the Money http://bit.ly/d1DxLv Vast US Income inequality mostly because of government policy
- @gregpinelo I love the phrase Tealiban
- The US Republicans have created a Frankenstein monster http://bit.ly/aq7fgL Dr. Rove, be proud
- 10/30/10 March to Keep Fear Alive and Rally to Restore Sanity http://bit.ly/c90o8K And Pre-Game Halloween. F%$K Yeah!
- Complete blueprints for making your own full-size Dalek http://bit.ly/cmwvzc
- The Old Adventures Of New Christine http://bit.ly/bQkMmN
- Deficit Hawks New Definition http://bit.ly/c5vThM Where have they all gone now that there are deficit balloning tax cuts for the Rich
- In Praise of TARP http://bit.ly/9qccHl No cost to Taxpayers and saved banking system
- recursive Tweet: Occasional Blog: Tweets of Yesterday (9/9/2010 - 9/16/2010) http://bit.ly/bpn67X
- Where Have All the Deficit Hawks Gone? http://bit.ly/bSrfRj Or for the Vitter/Newt/Rush wing, gone to young girls everyone
- SEIU Helps Bank Workers Become Whistleblowers http://bit.ly/cg0YsM flyer at http://bit.ly/dmiAQ4
- The Warren Appointment: A Home Run for Our Side http://huff.to/baAYHI essentially, If it weren't a good deal Warren wouldn't have taken it.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (9/17/2010 - 9/26/2010)
340+221+415+632+416+336+362+381+180 (3283) Google Reader articles. 118 tweeted
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (9/9/2010 - 9/16/2010)
330+592+408+430+438+493+423+326 (3440) Google Reader articles. 74 tweeted
- DE-Sen: O'Donnell, in her own words http://bit.ly/bkGhr1 Q: You're going to stop the whole country from having sex? O'DONNELL: Yes.
- This is What Class Warfare Looks Like http://bit.ly/cVDkim
- The misguided reaction to Tea Party candidates http://bit.ly/bURCQ6 they are the real Republicans just honest about it.
- Bailed-Out Banks Finance Predatory Payday Lenders http://bit.ly/d2t1u4
- Tax Cuts for the Rich? 6 Key Points About the Tax Debate Raging in Washington http://bit.ly/93gvVu How much will I pay to the Richies
- "Thanks for the Blitz, asshole." http://bit.ly/9Uukcw
- How Democrats, Republicans compare http://bit.ly/a7p3bh It's as easy as ABCD H/T Dave Johnson http://bit.ly/bTx81h
- Review: Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson – Winner-Take-All Politics http://bit.ly/cRLqQc American economic inequality is largely political
- At least he's an administration official who will respond to a major DFH http://bit.ly/9k2xiz
- Elizabeth Warren on Way to Being Sidelined as Head of Consumer Protection Agency, Relegated to “Advisor” Role http://bit.ly/ce0LA8Yb3
- Demand is the only real problem http://bit.ly/cGNstn and GOP trashes anyone who tries to deal with it.
- What Does a Vote for a GOP Candidate in November Really Mean? http://huff.to/cmP0fn
- John Suthers' "Willie Horton" Back in the News http://bit.ly/c96PHQ Serial Killer sponsored by Suthers (who doesn't remember)
- It's Demand, Stupid http://nyti.ms/bIMCIH But business lobbyist would rather bitch lies than do something about poor sales
- An Antidote to Estate Tax Misinformation http://bit.ly/9KJAtl Lots of Lies because they really pay... the ultra rich
- NY Primary shows Dems don't have to be Wall Street whores to win http://bit.ly/9I3iIK
- Join me in supporting Meet Joe Miller via @actblue http://actb.lu/9zrzgR
- There are more anti-wanker GOP wankers than are wet dreamt of in your tea party http://bit.ly/9TSJWE
- O'Donnell asserted that women serving in combat damages national security http://bit.ly/c7Wk6A
- Conservatives Don’t Care About the Deficit http://bit.ly/bto2Um One of many lies they tell (racism, tough on defense, immigrants, morality)
- Amendment 63 if passed and legal (unclear) would mean no Medicare money for Colorado, zip, nada http://bit.ly/d9zefI
- AIG: How creative and accommodating the Treasury is with large distressed firms, in contrast to underwater homeowners http://bit.ly/bf8fyC
- Shorter Armey: The reason Blacks don't show up at Tea Party Rallies is because them Ghetto neighbors would hurt them. http://bit.ly/bwTKfi
- Wall Street Strikes Again: Sewer Hikes in Alabama http://bit.ly/9WISoq
- Tancredo & Miller stay on the ballot http://bit.ly/daH2oH Alternate Headline:Activist Judge Overturns Will of Dick Wad(ham)
- Why Broadband Prices Haven’t Decreased http://bit.ly/bS5M6N Regulatory decisions are made without data by argument. (lobbying)
- South Carolina: National Federation of Republican Women show respect for their tradition. http://bit.ly/cjZWPT
- RT @MoveOn: GOP is holding middle class tax cuts hostage to get giveaways for the rich. Tell them it ain't happening. http://bit.ly/dzsl3k
- Shorter: You can't call all conservatives racists just because historically they are http://bit.ly/c6BCun
- NY Times regrets error: Correct Headline is "Operation Citizen's United Successful" http://nyti.ms/cF1aLn
- Tax Cuts on Profits, Savings, and the Wealthy Fail to Spur Economic Growth http://bit.ly/dw3P8p But A Victory in the War on the Small People
- Government bureaucrat who destroyed the market in Thalidomide (GOP version) http://nyti.ms/aBOU8f H/T Digby http://bit.ly/c7VXRW
- Haley Barbour's lies about Ole Miss http://bit.ly/bfeuzv Actually names someone who can call him on his lies
- If Tancredo out polls Maes the Republicans will officially be a minor party http://bit.ly/d9uOWN
- Rich Americans Save Tax Cuts Instead of Spending, Moody's Says - http://bit.ly/bta6AR
- The Case Against Rahm http://bit.ly/9DkbSK Lots of detail, long depressing story.
- Even in New York City, $250,000 is rich http://bit.ly/aVDy4G
- The Importance of the 1970s Business interests in all sectors organized a takeover of political power http://bit.ly/9BoKgD
- Hellegers: American Income Inequality is the Cause of our Crisis http://bit.ly/a1zIbf Cause rich people are genetically greedy
- Joe Bageant: Understanding America's Class System http://bit.ly/b3fRaC The Political Class and The Rulling Class. Screw the rest of us.[
- TIMELINE: Nine months of the right's anti-Muslim bigotry http://bit.ly/9yhfRO Because you have to keep on stoking the fires of hatred.
- Basel III arrives http://bit.ly/bm1HpW good results but waiting to see how TBTF screw it up.
- A short post about gratitude http://bit.ly/93Fhu5 Iceland had their Kochs. A few powerful evil men did a lot of harm to a lot of people.
- Austan Goolsbee to CEA Chair http://bit.ly/bXqgmW Positive review
- Obama mired in surreal US politics http://bit.ly/cK1x63 Call out to Michael Bennet as surrealist (and backstabber)
- Certain inalienable rights http://bit.ly/9W8Wa6 What a radical statement
- Money Well Spent http://bit.ly/cy9gmy Koch's buy reality
- Tell Congress: Don't extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy http://bit.ly/a4H33T Pls RT #p2
- Lesbian couple in Vonore house fire is hate crime http://bit.ly/crS4cL Terrorist from Beckistan
- Despite the rise of a right-wing domestic threat, it's ignored http://bit.ly/coHivm See events listed and http://bit.ly/dDiAQG
- The Election Needs You, Broken Heart and All http://bit.ly/aEz0C1 Cheer up things could be worse and if we don't GOTV, it will be.
- Why Rahm Was 100% Wrong | http://bit.ly/99vnse In order to a pragmatist, you have to be right.
- $250k isn’t a lot of money if you want to shit gold dust http://bit.ly/dnN07p
- 10 reasons:"There Is No Economic Justification for Deficit Reduction" Galbraith to Deficit Commission t http://bit.ly/ao0GYA
- Krugman Prophecy written 9/14/01 http://nyti.ms/bmPGDz Partisanship ? How dare you suggest...
- 10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts http://bit.ly/cfGq8V
- Lotsa facts about the tax cuts fo the rich. Incredible how much Government subsidies they require. http://bit.ly/b0OcMP
- Having a Hard Time With 60, 61 & 101? Here's a Video That Explains Things http://bit.ly/aPds50 4:51
- US and domestic radical problem http://bit.ly/aW0tkq No mention of White right wing Christian terrorists or Beck. PDF http://bit.ly/cRxtmQ
- Coverture http://bit.ly/d6kJIe What is the Tea Party position on it ? Also Sati (Sutee) http://bit.ly/dpn9FF
- Paradise Lost: Why Fallen Markets Will Never Be the Same http://bit.ly/a8KFw1 Governments will not be able to agree on sensible regulations
- Boulder County Fire Air Operations Live Scanner Audio Feed http://bit.ly/9lwZn6 #boulderfire In case you didn't see it earlier
- Beckistan Terrorist posts bomb instructions on Facebook, is charged in plot http://bit.ly/cRfZd0 H/T Atrios http://bit.ly/97kfoh
- Rahm’s replacement?: A Fannie Mae lobbyist in the pay of Goldman http://bit.ly/b0tOAn
- Encouraging Hatred and then pretending surprise at the result. http://bit.ly/bkGm6M
- 30 Stats That Prove The Elite Are Getting Richer, The Poor Are Getting Poorer And The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed http://bit.ly/bwKFZO
- Fourmile fire perimeter and evacuation http://bit.ly/99kGzM #BoulderFire as of 9/9
- YouTube - Colorado's Wandering Attorney General http://bit.ly/dra98c
- Rahm Cuts & Runs Before Shit Hits The Fan http://bit.ly/98TQv4 But let's look forward not backwards. At least he will be gone.
- Obama used Dean's "50-state strategy" to win a primary and general election and then rejected bottom-up governing http://bit.ly/ako4fP
- How about printing copies of the Quran on preprinted American Flag Paper ? http://bit.ly/bGPuzP
- Just how bad is Obama's "progressive" "middle-class" tax cut? http://bit.ly/9AUTio Only half as halfassed as the GOP proposal
- DigitalGlobe| Fourmile Canyon Fire, Boulder, Colorado Satellite Imagery http://bit.ly/avQoQV #boulderfire
- malpractice reform is not the answer to the healthcare cost problem, http://bit.ly/brOibt
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (9/4/2010 - 9/8/2010)
315+345+390+164+424 (1638) Google Reader articles. 49 tweeted
- Rahm Emanuel’s Competence Test http://bit.ly/cbUnAl Is thIS an elaborate setup for a joke about Chicago mayors ?
- Fox Calls for Repeal of the 20th Century — 13 Achievements Conservatives Would Roll Back http://bit.ly/9dl9KA And they ain't kidding
- Millions strike in France over pension cuts http://bit.ly/cYzC6I French: better cheaper healthcare & dealing with Catfood Commissions.
- Time for the Pundits to Take a Deep Breath - Why Democrats Will Not Be Routed In November http://huff.to/bkU9Cw From Your Lips to God's ears
- "Mad Men" is science fiction of the past http://bit.ly/aydcrz
- If Martin Luther King were alive today, Breitbart would have video lynched him already http://bit.ly/bJ8MfJ
- Incredibly Obvious Things In Front Of Our Faces http://bit.ly/aqqltS Conservatives will f%$k the economy every time.
- Fiscal policy: So crowded, no one's working anymore http://bit.ly/cRpT8B Crowding out doesn't happen with massive under utilization, a$%hole
- High-Income People Would Benefit Significantly From Extension of “Middle-Class” Tax Cuts http://bit.ly/bUfOlT
- After Labor Day: Let the Politics Begin http://bit.ly/d3L6eG Four Reasons for hope. From your lips to God's ears
- A Taste of Home in Foil Packets and Powder - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/bnhfmx
- Biggest fire in Boulder County History, thousands evacuated, homes destroyed, still uncontrolled http://bit.ly/aXN9UJ #boulderfire
- The Slump Goes On: Why? http://bit.ly/b5ln0X Dr. and Dr. Shrill One (Krugman and Wells) H/T Atrios http://bit.ly/cOrTFu
- Choice of Clerks Sign of the Roberts Court’s Polarization http://nyti.ms/ckQKMR Alternate Headline: Robert's Wing Are Right Wing Hacks
- Social benefits associated with significantly increased equity requirements are large, while social costs are small. http://bit.ly/cpeuel
- Will Basel III really deliver? http://bit.ly/davClR Maybe the World will do what the US won't, constrain Banksters
- Chinese act like Banksters, but when they do it, it's wrong. When Banksters do it, it's Financial Innovation http://bit.ly/97BiGA
- NH-Sen: Ayotte's $300k Planned Parenthood settlement http://bit.ly/9jkFt1 But But the deficit
- Boulder County, Colorado (CO) Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners on RadioReference.com http://bit.ly/9HSTlT
- Dear President Obama: More of this, please http://bit.ly/de8TpN can he start talking the talk ?
- Republicans flood the zone to build "conventional wisdom" http://bit.ly/cymyAn 142 GOP to 47 Democratic polls
- ProgressivePunch : Members by score / All issues http://bit.ly/csDEv4 Useful to see who's been naughty and who's been nice.
- To Save Themselves From The GOP, Dems Should Start By Saving Social Security http://bit.ly/cBgPFv Negative on Betsy Markey and Blue Dogs
- Trumka: "Most Crucial Election in 75 Years" http://bit.ly/9PMqKv
- Consequences of U.S. and Dutch Approaches to Teen Sex http://bit.ly/cq9bq4 Gives new meaning the phrase Clap harder
- 1938 in 2010 Krugman says BHO really is like FDR, when FDR was wrong. http://nyti.ms/dutnbh
- Democrats Plan Political Triage to Retain House http://nyti.ms/d4LeHv Why do I expect this to end up at "Hopeless Blue Dog! F*%K Yeah!"
- Credit card issuers offer business cards to consumers to get around new law http://bit.ly/dpc9V2 Chose wisely
- Seattle man attacked shopkeeper, calls victim a terrorist http://bit.ly/dCcnvN Another terrorist from Beckistan
- Because of health care reform, projection is for $600 billion SURPLUS. http://bit.ly/cQzFNy Not widely reported by deficit peacocks
- People of color or with funny sounding names aren't a threat to our way of life. But they make good scapegoats http://bit.ly/bPo7Hp
- Famous directors in haiku form http://bit.ly/9hLvCj
- The Original Reagan Democrat http://bit.ly/cUenlt H/T Digby http://bit.ly/aizpOt
- GOP to voters: We don't need your stinking primary votes, we decide http://bit.ly/986SnY And the Press did such a great job of vetting Maes
- Recessions Are For The Little People http://bit.ly/anazjz Finally a chance to score a major Victory in the War on the Small People
- Inequality back at record highs http://bit.ly/98FSV8 from governing like Republicans
- Arizonans might consider their white-supremacist problem http://bit.ly/bkvcdQ Hey, the 2nd Amendment allows White Men to shotgun non-whites.
- Google Public Policy Blog: Texas inquires on our approach to competition http://bit.ly/9F4LbC Three complaints all by Microsoft fronts
- Who's Hurting? Job Losses by Labor Sector, Gender, Race - Interactive Graphic http://bit.ly/d44Q51 American Business attacks men.
- Great comment on neoliberalism http://bit.ly/9TAKZ9 Obama and the Third-Wayers really want to destroy the New Deal.
- 'I Had A Dream' : Picture Stephen Colbert, at a 'Restoring Truthiness' Rally http://bit.ly/afiOhT And Special Guest: Tina Fey!
- Deficits fixed on top 0.1% backs & preserving low cost quality govt health care won't win the War on the Small People. http://bit.ly/9AhxCF
- If the Congress can stick to PAYGO and the long-run growth news is not bad, then we are done with our long-term deficit http://bit.ly/cyiT23
- Rahmism http://nyti.ms/a2iv1k Why is Obama still listening to the people who persuaded him to go for the capillaries.
- What's Really Behind Yesterday's Unemployment Numbers? http://bit.ly/cDaf6h Net: Rich people sit on their money dragging the economy down.
- A mailing from Congressman Grayson about Koch http://bit.ly/910Ztg Koch shows that Government is an investment with excellent ROI
- The Drum Rule: My Unfavorable Review Of The American Prospect's "American Taliban" Article http://bit.ly/9tjT1l Fight among liberal bloggers
- Attractions of Payroll Tax Holiday Diminish Upon Closer Examination, 12/3/01 http://bit.ly/cotSLr repeating analysis http://bit.ly/c3YGuf
- Payroll Tax Holiday a Poor Stimulus Idea http://bit.ly/c3YGuf analysis done 1/26/09 Helps the rich and business does nothing for employment
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A mailing from Congressman Grayson about Koch
Got this in the e-mail today, can't find it on a web page but I don't think there is an expectation of privacy.
Let me tell you something else about David Koch, the billionaire who is spending $250,000 in attack ads this week, to try to defeat me.
In 1999, Koch Industries was indicted on 97 counts of violating the Clean Air Act, and related criminal laws. Why? Because Koch's Corpus Christi oil refinery had dumped 91 tons of benzene, a carcinogen, into the environment.
Four Koch employees faced up to 35 years in prison. And Koch was liable for $350 million in fines.
Should Koch, the polluter, choose our Congress, or should we? Contribute to our campaign, and fight back.
It didn't look good for Koch. But 2000 was an election year. So Koch dragged out the case, and spent $900,000 to help get George Bush and other Republicans elected. Not to mention doling out $20 million to right-wing think tanks, which churned out anti-Gore propaganda.
And guess what? Two months after John Ashcroft was sworn in as Bush's Attorney General, the Bush Administration settled the case for less than six cents on the dollar. John Ashcroft - the best Attorney General money could buy. The money that Koch spent on the 2000 campaign bought Koch a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card.
David Koch learned an important lesson about government in 2001. If you can't beat it, buy it.
And that is what David Koch is trying to do today. Having bought the Executive Branch in 2000, now he's going for the Legislative Branch. A twofer.
And we need your help to stop him. Koch is spending $250,000 right now. We have to fight back. Help us now.
Alan Grayson
Slight edit to take out an additional appeal for contributions.
Koch shows that Government is an investment with excellent ROI
Tweets of Yesterday (9/1/2010 - 9/3/2010)
336+466+399 (1201) Google Reader articles. 33 tweeted (Including retweets)
- Over the past 30 years, 34.6% of all income growth went to the top one-tenth of 1% of all earners. http://bit.ly/9TeVoT 1 in a 1000 Richies
- jaredpolis This week I visited local cool companies http://www.Kidrobot.com @kidrobot in Boulder & http://www.hckombu.com in Gypsum (kambucha)
- Southern Strategy, the (enduring) power of racism http://bit.ly/dvt2PT
- Oregon Dem. Senator runs on public option and is 20 points ahead. http://bit.ly/cu8jve
- @BagNewsNotes re: two drill pipes instantly brought to mind the second gunman theory of BP ?
- Might fire up the troops a little to know that the Democrats are still breathing. http://bit.ly/d8axIr
- Slow Boil http://bit.ly/bVVfir Vote for a candidate who then does nothing he said he would do ?
- jaredpolis en route to Frederick for Congress on Your Corner at D'Agostino's, 141 5th St, Frederick, CO
- Light of destruction http://bit.ly/c4ilhq
- 16.6 million small business employees could benefit from Healthcare act provisions starting this year http://bit.ly/a585rH
- Wells Fargo's Odd Mortgage Essay Question http://nyti.ms/cdgZpz Are the Banksters creating a "no-fly" list ?
- An apology to California students for ripping them off http://bit.ly/bmfBCr
- Paradoxes Of Deleveraging And Releveraging http://nyti.ms/bSN8iu Paradox of Thrift and fallacy of composition http://bit.ly/9wpH8M
- Oil Sheen Reported After Another Rig Explodes in Gulf http://bit.ly/9jvxML Mariner Energy, at least 13 accidents in the Gulf since 2006
- Life support http://bit.ly/dDcc8U Why the gaping enthusiasm gap, Not very complicated: the Democrats abandoned core Democratic principles.
- Drama Queens? Freedom works receives threats of lower rents. http://bit.ly/bjiQ9G
- Bonddad Solves the Unemployment Situation http://bit.ly/dx1GXh Construction workers out of work, Massive infrastructure work needed. Duh!
- Home truths for complacent economists http://bit.ly/bOlda2 why the homebuyers' tax credit's a bad policy
- Dispersants May Delay Recovery of the Gulf By Years/Decades http://bit.ly/dr0Kgn On the Bright side, it will kill a lot of Small people
- Bush tax cuts for rich equals long term Social Security shortfall http://bit.ly/dkhtZK One is a crisis, the other not.
- Charles Darwin's ecological experiment on Ascension isle http://bbc.in/ccEA3U H/T Queen Victoria's Terraformers http://bit.ly/a8l48e
- Who Are You Going to Believe, the IMF or Your Lying Eyes? http://bit.ly/9dwiG8 The Market is perfect until it disagrees with the Rich
- Irish Worries For The Global Economy http://bit.ly/9XWRic Victory in the War on the Small People!
- How Many Lone Nuts Does It Take To Make A Party Mix? http://bit.ly/aZiIin If he's a White Christian he's a lone wolf. All Muslims are alike
- Feds Warn Residents Near Wyoming Gas Drilling Sites Not To Drink Their Water http://bit.ly/alaylp As Starbuck would say "Frack!
- Fun With Twitter, Vol. 1 -- RollingStone.com http://bit.ly/cnLuC6 Cusak shows his credentials to run in the style of the GOP.
- Liveblogging the Wachovia and Lehman Brothers Hearing http://bit.ly/95jhk5 The Banksters really got both a handup, a handout and a handj%b
- Vanity Fair:Palin http://bit.ly/dbiwzN "anywhere you peel back the skin of Sarah Palin’s life, a sad and moldering strangeness lies beneath"
- Netflix Opportunity http://slidesha.re/ceAnd3 excellent analysis. Innovative American business Slide 11 shows Fed regulation dependency
- SEC to Ratings Agencies: Really, We Mean Business http://bit.ly/9C6QOM Strongly worded letter to a puppy a week after he pees on the pillow
- Dick Armey: Oh, no, no, no, no. I've got 34 goats that depend on me daily. I couldn't be away that long. http://bit.ly/9z8iji Undenied love
- So called "Liberal Hawks" have the same blood on their hands http://bit.ly/cJ7Mpd Let's put their names on a plaque somewhere
- Top science fiction writer devises technology for writing without the distractions of the Internets http://bit.ly/aGOKyJ Hilarious comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (8/30/2010 - 8/31/10)
509+552 Google Reader articles. 32 tweeted. (Including retweets)
- Impressions of Afghanistan http://bit.ly/cKOB8z H/T Fallows http://bit.ly/bTI1FT
- Career Death By PowerPoint http://bit.ly/dC3gPe more on http://bit.ly/9y1ZpT with link to How to Get out of Afghanistan http://bit.ly/9VlLBP
- Mortgage Fraud http://bit.ly/aCrAIE Banksters claim: It wasn't rape, the American people were asking to be screwed.
- Five Notes On The Iraq Speech ATTACKERMAN http://bit.ly/apqW55 Generally positive on getting out of Afghanistan. On how Iraq was played
- Why Are NACA’s Innovative Mortgage Modification Marathons Below the Radar? http://bit.ly/a6uEw6 Conventional Media works for the Banksters
- Obama's Speech Recap http://bit.ly/aulGaQ Positive review: Drum was apparently "able to get a sense of his soul" http://bbc.in/8YlNop
- My prayer for Rupert Murdoch: Let him be bankrupt and unemployed before he burns in hell http://bit.ly/claiJ0 From your lips to God's ears
- Tom Tomorrow: Scary scary news scary! http://bit.ly/csLfiY Plagiarist. All his ideas belong to Fox News: Guarding the Henhouse of Democracy
- Corexit Found In Swimming Pool Of Sickened Florida Family http://bit.ly/cB4Lko
- Now Get Those Damned Vets Off My Lawn http://bit.ly/bBjjJA Cause Simpson can only finance so much Tax Cut $ for the Rich off the old people
- Sorry, incomplete Tweet: Iraq: What Did We Win, And What Did It Cost? http://bit.ly/c0G2Bf Official Answers to both questions: D: STFU DFH
- Iraq: What Did We Win, And What Did It Cost? http://bit.ly/c0G2Bf Official Answers to both questions: D: STFU
- Corporate America crying over executive pay disclosure http://bit.ly/amcs54 Sunshine the best disinfectant and BS the best lobbyist tool
- Gilpin Family Whisky made from diabetics' urine http://bit.ly/bMsyWG Too many jokes, twitter overloaded H/T Slashdot http://bit.ly/aSzZR1
- God is an abortionist http://bit.ly/9Taihn Just to post something non-controversial
- Lawrence O’Donnell is Dangerously Wrong About Social Security http://bit.ly/b2QLmb Just to show that Democrats can be assholes too
- Drew Westen: What Created the Populist Explosion and How Democrats Can Avoid the Shrapnel in November http://huff.to/bFZwR1 worth reading
- Conservatives: government for me not for you http://bit.ly/ar851P
- Days from death, Fla. wildlife officials free plastic jar that was stuck on bear cub's head http://bit.ly/btbiQu Save the Jar, save the Bear
- Just realized, conservatism is based on denying basic economic truth. Economic growth is not zero sum, better for us not worse for the rich
- Hidden Energy Costs- Unpriced Energy Production & Use Cost http://bit.ly/9nni47 H/T http://bit.ly/aUgY39 H/T*2 Atrios http://bit.ly/cTEXdZ
- Good comment: Dems have squandered every opportunity to provide leadership to address anxiety and concern people feel http://bit.ly/dnWe6N
- BagNewsNotes Kind of thing I worry about. Story: Obama trusts public will sort out religion rumors. Photo: O hosts WH Ramadan dinner http://bit.ly/9kmg2Z 6:40 PM Aug 30th via TweetDeck Retweeted by you
- Koch Industries Has Financial Stake in Derivatives and Pharmaceuticals, Not Just Oil http://bit.ly/ceIIdW So destroying government is good.
- What happens when religious right leader Maggie Gallagher meets St. Peter http://bit.ly/aTLi5K
- Beck rally crowd size by the numbers http://bit.ly/96WQck 20 people on a queen sized mattress.
- Billionaire Who Denies Connection to Tea Parties Bankrolls Tea-Partying Glenn Beck Fans http://bit.ly/cPaHmp H/T Digby http://bit.ly/d2lHwq
- No Sound And Fury http://bit.ly/b30YSr WH clueless on messaging. What have they done in the last 30 days to inspire the base ?
- lee fang has been covering the (Like to buy the world ) Koch brothers for a while http://bit.ly/awnVmL
- The Tax that cannot speak its name http://bit.ly/cehYqX Small person at $200k/yr pays taxes about the same rates as a Richie making $200m
- Politico notices Hispanics Leaving Democrats http://bit.ly/9K4Fgz More kick the base political strategy
- Peter Daou: Vital Lessons from the Health Reform Wars http://huff.to/b7TBSn H/T Ian Welsh http://bit.ly/cCXPH9
Update: changed urls to links.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (8/27/2010 - 8/29/10)
1018 Google Reader articles. 34 tweeted.
- Tea Party Sheds the Libertarian Fig Leaf, Goes Full Fundie http://bit.ly/cypMZW Helps Mittens over Huckleberry cause Beck's a Mormon
- Brazil’s Smartphone Census http://bit.ly/bBICUq 7% the cost of US census 66% of US population. Guess our corporate corruption hurts
- Amendment 63 - The Health Care TABOR Amendment http://bit.ly/b5GQuF another reactionary TABOR style proposal. VOTE NO on Amendment 63
- Glenn Beck Goes Messianic at America's Divine Destiny Event http://bit.ly/9XLFBx rundown of the religious winger leaders he had on stage
- Shrill One: Predictions I Wish Had Been Wrong http://nyti.ms/cU5uq4 Obama crazyhate worse than Clinton crazyhate http://nyti.ms/cMNh7L
- Symbol of Fear: Glenn Beck Wore a Bulletproof Vest At Rally http://bit.ly/d7lbtB
- Wikileaks Assange details on the smear http://bit.ly/anb4jM Not what most Muricans would call rape.
- Koch Brothers go after Alan Grayson and Suzanne Kosmas http://bit.ly/aiOfmW In violation of tax laws for non-profits
- Terrorists burn religious site http://bit.ly/9v7jjX Are they from Beckistan ?
- The Historical Fiction of Glenn Beck http://bit.ly/cpQvfQ "Those who fail history have to repeat it in summer school" Buffy Summers
- Nonsense from Deficit Peacocks Threatens to Keep Tens of Millions Needlessly Unemployed http://bit.ly/aMqw8H The War on the Small People
- Japan’s Experience: Quantitative Easing Helps Banks, Not Real Economy http://bit.ly/coRL52 i.e. Fed will bail out Banksters not unemployed
- The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party http://nyti.ms/9vzSHj see also Invisible Hands http://amzn.to/b0X4in
- Have we underestimated Chinese consumption? http://bit.ly/9jqV1J Chinese has inequality like US. H/T Yves Smith http://bit.ly/96yi7f
- Congress may sneak through Internet ‘kill switch’ in defense bill http://bit.ly/anNE7j
- What are the obstacles to being a landlord? http://bit.ly/cYWgsO Questions for NYTimes article on housing at http://bit.ly/ciji2M
- A Crib Sheet on Wall Street’s Self-Dealing Money Machine http://bit.ly/b0bALq full story at http://bit.ly/9ApcQ1
- Just subcribed to ProPublica in my Google Reader http://bit.ly/ca0yef They broke the CDO Ponzi scheme story. Good Reporting still exists
- ProPublica and Planet Money Find the Keys to the Kingdom http://bit.ly/c9QLDd More detail on the CDO Ponzi scheme
- Tea Party Patriots | Events for Saturday, 8/28/10 http://bit.ly/aQuLum scroll down for bus trips. Tea Party not supporting Beckistan ?
- Today the United States faces several hundred bad-tempered men with beards http://bit.ly/aqRVcz
- Banks' Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis http://bit.ly/a6nPou How Banksters made hundreds of billions selling crap to each other.
- Widespread Fear Freezes Housing Market http://nyti.ms/ciPVph Buyers, Sellers, Lenders all afraid, very afraid and you know rational
- Catfood Commission Analysis http://bit.ly/bz6JNI "Why the Democratic Party is attempting a merger with the Plutocratic Party is beyond me"
- GOP Funding Octopus http://bit.ly/bOSGIV A very few people spending $400M so that a GOP Congress gets them lots more money and power.
- The story of the scripted start of the Tea Party and it's well funded growth http://bit.ly/bWoJqB
- Glenn Beck "restores honor" with Abramoff-linked Rabbi http://bit.ly/bW9O4m
- Koch: I'd Like To Buy The World http://bit.ly/bN6z1A Tales from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, including a link to the Original Intent memo
- AK-Sen: Miller compares Murkowski to prostitute http://bit.ly/dr0GiJ Class act all the way, waiting for Palin to refudiate
- Earl Blumenauer: Leading the Way for “Progressive” Democrats to Cut Social Security http://bit.ly/9NDPwq
- Grayson, Progressive Groups Join Call to Fire Alan Simpson http://bit.ly/c6vwKH Lots of them
- PowerPoints 'R' Us http://bit.ly/dpC18E Colonel tells it like it is and gets shot for effort. http://bit.ly/c2eiwN Truth hurts
- Eating Your Own Toxic Waste http://bit.ly/a33Gsl Banksters Ponzi themselves and make money doing it.
- What NOM can't spin http://bit.ly/d33AKV (the Anti-Sex League not the googie and kitteh treats http://bit.ly/90e2mC )
Too many tweets for categories frequency counts. I use too many characters for tags so I have to figure out a simpler system. Anyhow this is Friday, Saturday and Sunday combined.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (8/26/2010)
615 Google Reader articles. 18 tweeted.
- GOP plan to repeal health care reform would add $455bn to the deficit http://bit.ly/dh2fM6 And $680bn for Tax Cuts for the Rich
- Tit's A Big Deal: Alan Simpson's Long History Of Advocating Social Security Cuts http://bit.ly/dqLhb4 Appointed by Obama
- President Obama, It’s Time to Can the Catfood Commission http://bit.ly/aTLWxG As Delong says, The Cossacks work for the Czar
- John Suthers Did Sell Payday Lending Reform Out? http://bit.ly/d9efn6 for a measly $10K
- GOP Earmark hypocracy: Ken Buck has requested at least $5 million in earmarks and grants http://bit.ly/cWel9w
- California Foreclosures: the last arrivals at the bottom of the middle class ladder are the first to be pushed off http://bit.ly/bePcmJ
- Top Terrorist Funds Fox News http://bit.ly/dtfQk8 No joke (although it's on the Daily Show.)
- Re: Bennet DC voicemail I got though at the local office 303-455-7600. It's probably because they are at Recess. http://bit.ly/bbIZId
- Now that the Primary is over, Bennet's Senate phone number only has voicemail. 202-224-5852
- Save the Salmonella http://bit.ly/bY1cYq Britain began vaccinating hens against the bacteria...virtually wiped out the health threat.
- Koch Industries gave funding to the DLC and served on its Executive Council http://bit.ly/cYfAgf more on the funders of sedition
- A Tea Party Family History? http://bit.ly/d9ST8H Lot's of links on Koch Family sedition funding
- NYT and Matt Bai Falsely Call Social Security Trust Fund a “Lottery”http://bit.ly/9mMSIm Doing their bit in the War on the Small People
- Senator Simpson: He’s Not Just Offensive, He’s Ignorant http://bit.ly/b6MVQ7 But an Inspirational Leader in the War on the Small People
- Recursive Tweet: Occasional Blog: Tweets of Yesterday (8/25/2010) http://bit.ly/dbKGtn
- Fiscal Austerity and “Third World America” http://bit.ly/aR6z9E Calling out the War on the Small People
- Despite Reform, Banks Have Room for Risky Deals - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/a9fDx5 H/T http://bit.ly/am0GJJ
- Alan Simpson: Social Security Is 'A Milk Cow With 310 Million Tits' [UPDATE] http://huff.to/bjqRRM with Timeline and video link
Deficit Peacocks 2
Catfood Commission 4
GOP Crooks 2
Colorado 3
War on Small People 10
GOP Lies 2
Corruption 5
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (8/25/2010)
247 Google Reader articles. 16 tweeted.
- Anti-big government GOP terrified of "privatization" (the word, not, you know, doing it) http://bit.ly/dCqTRg
- Healthcare For Students Right Wing lies about Health Care. Expect a lot of them. http://bit.ly/a11mrN
- What the elites are trying to steal from us, and why http://bit.ly/8YxNaY The war on the small people
- Fire Alan Simpson http://nyti.ms/a95LlN At least the Shrill One is on our side. Petition http://bit.ly/9s6X7z WH comment line 202-456-1111
- Jobless Organize to Remove Republican Royalists From Their Jobs http://bit.ly/bTSH1j If the unemployed vote against the GOP, they're screwed
- "310 Million Tits" - If Simpson Doesn't Resign, The President Must Fire Him http://bit.ly/d3F0UJ
- Tell Pres. Obama's deficit commission to cut military spending, not Social Security. http://bit.ly/bnyE0N Pls sign and RT #p2
- DeLay appears headed for trial: Austin American-StatesmanJohn Colyandro, above left, and Jim Ellis, above center, ... http://bit.ly/9oMpso retweeted
- Recursive Tweet: Occasional Blog: Tweets of Yesterday (8/24/2010) http://bit.ly/9JT352
- Corporate pension funds earnings assumptions http://bit.ly/cl8BiP Cut by 2%-3%, and cash-heavy corporate balance sheets don't look so good
- The Mosque Post http://bit.ly/91dcJG Introduces the great term: "non-troversy"
- Tell Alan Simpson - We've had it. http://bit.ly/9s6X7z Petition to remove him as Chair of Catfood commission for "310 million tits"
- Is It Time For Class Warfare? http://bit.ly/bkBf7R
- Chart of the Day: Housing Prices Since WWII http://bit.ly/bGLFFA read the chart then rent
- ColoradoPols.com:: Ken Buck Actually More to the Right Than Dan Maes http://bit.ly/dq1ums
catfood commission 4
colorado politics 1
war on the small people 2
Republican lies 4
Republican crooks 1
Economics and Business 2
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (8/24/2010)
Yesterday I read 247 Google Reader articles. These are the ones I tweeted.
- Daily Kos: Murdoch published Imam Rauf's book on Islam and America http://bit.ly/cr6VzA
- The Anti Defamation League has gone Neocon http://bit.ly/9QjX4u Very sad. They used to be righteous
- The New Yorker Maps Koch Industries' Right-Wing funding, leaves out FreedomWorks (Teabag funder) also Koch funded http://bit.ly/9Jve2Y
- God, no. Don't make me agree with John Boehner calling for mass firing of Obama economic team, Geithner and Summers http://bit.ly/dzUG5L
- Yes, Bush Tax cuts give $3 Million per plutocrat http://nyti.ms/bmZrTT Krugman shows his work for the slow (and mendacious) class members
- US to spend $1.3 billion on Afghanistan bases http://bit.ly/azUozG
- Bush - America's First Muslim President http://bit.ly/bbcjQW GOP can say goodbye to Islamic vote
- How Has It Come to This? http://bit.ly/d3YjMh Finally photos of BP what did
I fix typos when I see them in writing these posts.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Four War Stories for Today
Afghanistan war funding might be delayed, but likely can't be defeated http://bit.ly/aarZFY |
The Fog(ging) of War http://bit.ly/90VkTW How horrible the coverage of AfPak has been |
Michael Brenner: Miracles and Myths -- Opiate of the Afghanistan Hawks http://huff.to/9GAWt1 |
We are the Russians: All the Strangeness of Our American World in One Article http://bit.ly/cavh2q |
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Since Twitter's get lost 4:59 PM Feb 19th to 3/2/10 6:30 pm
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