- Laid off teachers in Chicago surprised by "secret" rating method. New Teacher Project involved. http://bit.ly/dghVdv
- Tea Party is a media spectacle managed by billionaires to give working people the illusion of power http://bit.ly/bPIbe5
- Billionaires give 91 percent of funds for Rove-tied group http://bit.ly/c6Q6y2 So handy not to have to call too many people
- World in Revolt: The Global Backlash Against Budget Cuts http://bit.ly/cAdLmE Global like jobs meaning not in the US
- Conyers' Deficit-Neutral Jobs Bill http://bit.ly/boDgm3 Would also cure High Speed Trading abuses
- So How Did the Bush Tax Cuts Work Out for the Economy? http://bit.ly/9MDssW
- 92% of Americans prefer socialism over US system http://bit.ly/aQpBww but that's just when they are confronted with facts
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of education reform? http://bit.ly/cCftxh Charter Schools will save the day, except they won't
- Why I Heart Alan Grayson http://bit.ly/cffzTc Taliban Dan Webster
- @alfranken thanks progressives for getting Elizabeth Warren appointed http://bit.ly/dtlMKy @BoldProgressive #p2 and tell her on what to work
- Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman when to be or not to be a cheerleader is not protected under the First Amendment http://bit.ly/aQf6Jv
- Why is the political right on the offensive in America? http://bit.ly/c1FGif The World Socialist view of the election YMMV
- NYT violates policy and describes Enhanced Interrogation using the T word http://nyti.ms/b1dEYC
- The Barrington Moore Problematic and Its Discontents http://bit.ly/aMIQ6w Whocouldaknown that we would be fighting for the Enlightenment
- NYT notices a lot of money and campaigns against judges but fails to mention that all are right wing http://bit.ly/cvPzjG
- An ad message that was definitely made for today: http://bit.ly/9adYOr Not approved by the WTCU
- GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt Possible Replacement For Larry Summers http://bit.ly/cjubLQ Includes how GE sucked off Government tit
- Decline in Credit Card Debt is banks writing off bad credit card loans http://nyti.ms/cAONQV H/T Shrill One http://nyti.ms/axb4RQ
- Witches for Christine | Time for Christine O'Donnell to come out of the cauldron... http://bit.ly/a2HM3y
- 201 criminal cases where federal judges found prosecutors broke the rules. Abuses jailed innocent people & freed guilty http://bit.ly/cVGWCu
- "Your bank is having to deal with a scary and unfamiliar regulatory landscape, and might well react in unexpected ways" http://bit.ly/bjBrRt
- Millions Were Misspent by Arizona Sheriff’s Office Facing Federal Lawsuit, Officials Say - ProPublica http://bit.ly/cG0A7P
- Self-fulfilling Prophecy Department: The Democratic “Punt” http://bit.ly/aF0ZJR The Blue Dogs would have passed the Tax cuts for the Rich.
- Low-Divorce Jobs http://bit.ly/bSKp08 Remember correlation does not prove causation although the study might suggest a dating strategy
- Rep. Peter DeFazio Turns The Tables, Confronts Shadowy Conservative Group Running Attack Ads Against Him (VIDEO) http://huff.to/dgcbUU
- Progress on the Treason-in-Defense of Slavery Front http://bit.ly/9I9LSV Basic Principles of TIDOS
- Improving Teacher Quality By Paying Teachers More http://bit.ly/cYdDH7 Pay around the world
- Unpacking the GOP’s "Pledge to America" http://bit.ly/aEiTIs Who What and What Not
- Health Care act solved the long term deficit problem http://bit.ly/dbct1v GOP would recreate it. H/T Deling http://bit.ly/9BLWRu
- The Republican View of America: 80% Male, 20% Female; 75% Over 50, 25% Under 50; 99% White, 1% Horse http://bit.ly/dx6bFj Photo evidence
- Iconography of the Pledge on America http://bit.ly/d253yw Perving on The Statue Of Liberty or New Solutions for Wretched Refuse
- Report: Broder & Woodward still taking speaking fees despite WaPo policy http://bit.ly/9x2SiC H/T Susie Madrak http://bit.ly/aEwAh8
- Witless http://bit.ly/8Zdh1M Yes, it's not deja vue, it's memory
- A vanilla-scented pledge http://bit.ly/9bqGRA White Privilege
- The Way Out of the Slump - Paul Krugman and Robin Wells http://bit.ly/ce86si Quantitative Easing or Fed buys debt Calls for courage No Hope
- Neoliberalism and the For-Profit, Predatory Educational Industry: You Can't Regulate a Criminal Enterprise http://bit.ly/aeBWB3
- Orcs are harmless to children's development http://bit.ly/aWaCAU H/T Shrill One http://nyti.ms/bl202g
- Eileen Nearne and the Times Torture Policy http://bit.ly/bUdtu4 AKA Gestapo use of enhanced interogation techniques
- GOP 'Pledge To America' Director Lobbied For AIG, Exxon, Pfizer, Chamber http://huff.to/biHGoP
- Man without Mortgage Loses Home in Foreclosure http://bit.ly/aBamFZ
- New study says protecting net neutrality good for the economy http://bit.ly/becjMj
- Based on history the best way to fix the economy and deficit is not elect Republicans http://bit.ly/d36XXL Those who fail history etc.
- Which CDOs and Banks Had Deals With the Most Cross-ownership? - ProPublica http://bit.ly/bMVV4w
- Exciting News from BP http://bit.ly/c04C4S Youtube 1:24 Scenes from an abusive relationship. H/T First Draft http://bit.ly/dqaMjc
- Peretz, Thomas, and the Middle East double standard http://bit.ly/a7Lu45
- Right Wing Foments Voter Fraud Conspiracies, Hatches ‘Voter Caging’ Plot To Suppress Minority Votes In WI http://bit.ly/9unwqQ
- Gentle, Public Activism: Magnusson’s I-75 Project http://bit.ly/9z2Jyf Historical Markers, Hysterical Markers
- Nitwits and Hypocrites - Video 1:19 with music that makes you want to invade some country http://bit.ly/bA8DvY
- Tell the FCC: We need strong #netneutrality rules now. http://bit.ly/cQZ3Ll
- Progress on #LGBT rights has ground to a halt because of the #filibuster. Tell the Senate: Fix the filibuster. http://bit.ly/boGLAD RT Plz
- Speculation that Summers will be replaced with someone who can like him represent the powerful misogynistic interests http://nyti.ms/avR24m
- GOP made history, you gutless wonders. the first time a defense appropriations bill has failed to pass since 1961. http://bit.ly/dq7GIX
- The Democratic Message http://scr.bi/9nUIoU Why not try the truth for once ?
- Capital Rivals: Koch Brothers vs. George Soros http://bit.ly/bCA1rg How much each spends and to some extent where. (Lots of secrets)
- Federal Agency Failed to Report Disciplined Providers to National Database - ProPublica http://bit.ly/cvaQKj
- It's not right to hold all Christians responsible for the actions of Palin, P2(O'Donnell), the Pope, Pedophile Priests, or the Inquisition.
- Billionaire Bailout Recipient to America: "Suck It In and Cope, Buddy" -- http://bit.ly/daHcaZ
- All Republicans and Blanch Lincoln Block Defense Funding Bill to Sabotage “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal http://bit.ly/aoS4m7
- Vote to give this idea $25K: Promote health by providing affordable wholesome food to families.#pepsirefresh http://pep.si/aeLkdi
- The Quadrotor Drone Learns Several Terrifying New Tricks http://gizmo.do/dg9Hr1 Wait til Skynet gets a hold of it.
- America Needs Jobs' Idea No. 1: A Payroll Tax Holiday http://huff.to/dziga3
- GOP blocks DADT repeal on purity of the senate procedures grounds http://huff.to/cfHsmL
- 20 Ways To Put America Back To Work Again http://huff.to/bJyiNP
- US Businesses & Consumers are NOT Deleveraging. but Going On One Last Binge http://bit.ly/9GjvvW Decrease is debt is mortgage write-offs
- There is No Evidence for the "Structural Unemployment" Story http://bit.ly/dA2mTE 1 job for every 5 workers. No matter how qualified.
- NYT just figures out Republicans are behind the Teabagger movement http://nyti.ms/bIrpnp preferred term:TeaBircher H/T http://bit.ly/aToncV
- NY-18: Lowey's challenger opposes interracial marriage and school integration; supports eugenics. http://bit.ly/drILps GOP denial ? crickets
- Watchdog Faults FBI for ‘Factually Weak’ Basis for Investigating Activists http://bit.ly/b8Z4aA Has someone cloned J. Edgar Hoover ?
- Fannie And Freddie, Again http://nyti.ms/cd1iwA Innocent of causing the Mortgage Backed Security meltdown
- Schadenfreude: There's nothing quite like watching GOP and Tea Partiers rip each other up http://bit.ly/9gt6yo Great Phrase: #Teabircher
- Newt on the economy: Is there any politician more congenitally dishonest than this cretin? http://bit.ly/9aDUC8 Palin but that's cheating.
- Will Sarah Palin run for the presidency in 2012? Duh http://bit.ly/99Pkfb
- co-signed @MaryJoKilroy's letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding Congress vote on middle-class tax cuts: http://bit.ly/bVrUlJ #oh15 RT please
- One Wisconsin Now uncovers organized voter suppression effort http://bit.ly/dD5qQM Next, tasers ?
- The Gingrich Senators http://bit.ly/cVJuJp Funny how the evil that Man does lives on. Of course Caesar was ambitious.
- Flash! Ben Stein Lies! http://bit.ly/bLGPht Flash, someone does the maths and he is either lying or doesn't do math. or both I guess.
- Poll Showing Gains by Paladino Excluded Key Candidate From Ballot http://bit.ly/bnSFqw Rasmess'in with you.
- MSM view of the center http://bit.ly/bZTRjQ Boehner and McConnell rate 96% with the American Conservative Union. Chris Matthews sez "center"
- Jesus' General: My Ad for O'Donnell http://bit.ly/bHygMI Because it's time to end the Tubesock Holocaust
- Meg Whitman Blows Away Self-Funded Federal Candidates in Cash Comparison http://bit.ly/dpJqbS Spreadsheet at http://bit.ly/bxLcRC
- Judges' financial disclosures hard to get http://bit.ly/dpUdpc
- There's No Crying In Nieman Marcus http://bit.ly/aY3npL More on Ben Stein's veracity
- If Peretz is not a bigot, then the word has no meaning. http://bit.ly/bDw5am Well said. Read it and weep for America
- Sex and social justice WWJD http://bit.ly/bkq31e Sex vs Social Justice 1:14
- Ben Stein’s fiscal policy http://bit.ly/dl52Ux as if anyone should ever believe a word he says http://bit.ly/bV1kGB
- BP Says Well Is Sealed, but Oily Gulf and Accountability Questions Remain http://bit.ly/be9cQd
- Structural Impediments http://nyti.ms/bJuYdc People (like Pres. Clinton) are saying plenty of jobs, workers have the wrong skills. WRONG!
- Who Is Responsible for the Progressive "Enthusiasm Gap?" http://bit.ly/9uwiOH Voters are smarter than the White House treats them
- Trying to understand income inequality http://bit.ly/bh7XSh Many causes all dependent on Govt actions http://bit.ly/coQHoq
- Todd Henderson's Century-Ago Predecessor: G.H.M in the Atlantic Monthly in May 1905 http://bit.ly/aJFNlk Rich people always had it hard
- The Angry Rich and Taxes http://nyti.ms/cqnTPZ These days, tax-cutters for the rich aren't even pretending to make the trickle-down case.
- The Golden Age of Television http://bit.ly/chaV7F Featuring a Mini Episode with a surprise ending
- Study Shows Testosterone is Bad For High-Stakes Decisions http://bit.ly/bYPbEi Counter intuitive: Testosterone makes you pull out?
- Private Gains/Public Losses: Inside Job-- The Movie http://bit.ly/c5U7 is Good intro with timeline
- Twitter and the Cowardice of Sarah Palin http://bit.ly/cj4GPT
- In Which Mr. Deling Responds to Someone Who Might Be Professor Todd Henderson http://bit.ly/aI95ji #worthreading SA http://bit.ly/aKXxur
- Vote No Prop 102 (CO) http://bit.ly/bs1ZXB Limits Judges' ability to release non-violent accused without bail $$$ for Bailbonds men RT plz
- Introducing the Mia, our new currency unit. One Mia buys one month in Afghanistan, (currently $6B) http://bit.ly/axQJEn
- A taste and analysis of a Rich whine http://bit.ly/ayn69F overly self indulgent and leaves a bitter after taste H/T Digby AND DeLong
- The Extent of White Advantage http://bit.ly/9SGSFj Blacks & Latinos poor: poorer than poor Whites and their rich less rich than rich Whites
- TARP Was Not a Success – It Simply Institutionalized Fraud http://bit.ly/cYEupl Didn't change the banking system, just funded it.
- This Country Just Can't Deal with Reality Any More http://bit.ly/bpLOOd Truth has been replaced by lies
- Charity Navigator Rating - Solar Electric Light Fund http://bit.ly/cKjl4Y
- Solar Electric Light Fund: About SELF http://bit.ly/diTkul
- The Empire strikes back: By the time Basil III takes effect, they can be eliminated http://bit.ly/9Lxwgt
- How to Write a David Brooks Column http://bit.ly/diF69B Leaves out fake sociology
- Following the Money http://bit.ly/d1DxLv Vast US Income inequality mostly because of government policy
- @gregpinelo I love the phrase Tealiban
- The US Republicans have created a Frankenstein monster http://bit.ly/aq7fgL Dr. Rove, be proud
- 10/30/10 March to Keep Fear Alive and Rally to Restore Sanity http://bit.ly/c90o8K And Pre-Game Halloween. F%$K Yeah!
- Complete blueprints for making your own full-size Dalek http://bit.ly/cmwvzc
- The Old Adventures Of New Christine http://bit.ly/bQkMmN
- Deficit Hawks New Definition http://bit.ly/c5vThM Where have they all gone now that there are deficit balloning tax cuts for the Rich
- In Praise of TARP http://bit.ly/9qccHl No cost to Taxpayers and saved banking system
- recursive Tweet: Occasional Blog: Tweets of Yesterday (9/9/2010 - 9/16/2010) http://bit.ly/bpn67X
- Where Have All the Deficit Hawks Gone? http://bit.ly/bSrfRj Or for the Vitter/Newt/Rush wing, gone to young girls everyone
- SEIU Helps Bank Workers Become Whistleblowers http://bit.ly/cg0YsM flyer at http://bit.ly/dmiAQ4
- The Warren Appointment: A Home Run for Our Side http://huff.to/baAYHI essentially, If it weren't a good deal Warren wouldn't have taken it.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tweets of Yesterday (9/17/2010 - 9/26/2010)
340+221+415+632+416+336+362+381+180 (3283) Google Reader articles. 118 tweeted
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