315+345+390+164+424 (1638) Google Reader articles. 49 tweeted
- Rahm Emanuel’s Competence Test http://bit.ly/cbUnAl Is thIS an elaborate setup for a joke about Chicago mayors ?
- Fox Calls for Repeal of the 20th Century — 13 Achievements Conservatives Would Roll Back http://bit.ly/9dl9KA And they ain't kidding
- Millions strike in France over pension cuts http://bit.ly/cYzC6I French: better cheaper healthcare & dealing with Catfood Commissions.
- Time for the Pundits to Take a Deep Breath - Why Democrats Will Not Be Routed In November http://huff.to/bkU9Cw From Your Lips to God's ears
- "Mad Men" is science fiction of the past http://bit.ly/aydcrz
- If Martin Luther King were alive today, Breitbart would have video lynched him already http://bit.ly/bJ8MfJ
- Incredibly Obvious Things In Front Of Our Faces http://bit.ly/aqqltS Conservatives will f%$k the economy every time.
- Fiscal policy: So crowded, no one's working anymore http://bit.ly/cRpT8B Crowding out doesn't happen with massive under utilization, a$%hole
- High-Income People Would Benefit Significantly From Extension of “Middle-Class” Tax Cuts http://bit.ly/bUfOlT
- After Labor Day: Let the Politics Begin http://bit.ly/d3L6eG Four Reasons for hope. From your lips to God's ears
- A Taste of Home in Foil Packets and Powder - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/bnhfmx
- Biggest fire in Boulder County History, thousands evacuated, homes destroyed, still uncontrolled http://bit.ly/aXN9UJ #boulderfire
- The Slump Goes On: Why? http://bit.ly/b5ln0X Dr. and Dr. Shrill One (Krugman and Wells) H/T Atrios http://bit.ly/cOrTFu
- Choice of Clerks Sign of the Roberts Court’s Polarization http://nyti.ms/ckQKMR Alternate Headline: Robert's Wing Are Right Wing Hacks
- Social benefits associated with significantly increased equity requirements are large, while social costs are small. http://bit.ly/cpeuel
- Will Basel III really deliver? http://bit.ly/davClR Maybe the World will do what the US won't, constrain Banksters
- Chinese act like Banksters, but when they do it, it's wrong. When Banksters do it, it's Financial Innovation http://bit.ly/97BiGA
- NH-Sen: Ayotte's $300k Planned Parenthood settlement http://bit.ly/9jkFt1 But But the deficit
- Boulder County, Colorado (CO) Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners on RadioReference.com http://bit.ly/9HSTlT
- Dear President Obama: More of this, please http://bit.ly/de8TpN can he start talking the talk ?
- Republicans flood the zone to build "conventional wisdom" http://bit.ly/cymyAn 142 GOP to 47 Democratic polls
- ProgressivePunch : Members by score / All issues http://bit.ly/csDEv4 Useful to see who's been naughty and who's been nice.
- To Save Themselves From The GOP, Dems Should Start By Saving Social Security http://bit.ly/cBgPFv Negative on Betsy Markey and Blue Dogs
- Trumka: "Most Crucial Election in 75 Years" http://bit.ly/9PMqKv
- Consequences of U.S. and Dutch Approaches to Teen Sex http://bit.ly/cq9bq4 Gives new meaning the phrase Clap harder
- 1938 in 2010 Krugman says BHO really is like FDR, when FDR was wrong. http://nyti.ms/dutnbh
- Democrats Plan Political Triage to Retain House http://nyti.ms/d4LeHv Why do I expect this to end up at "Hopeless Blue Dog! F*%K Yeah!"
- Credit card issuers offer business cards to consumers to get around new law http://bit.ly/dpc9V2 Chose wisely
- Seattle man attacked shopkeeper, calls victim a terrorist http://bit.ly/dCcnvN Another terrorist from Beckistan
- Because of health care reform, projection is for $600 billion SURPLUS. http://bit.ly/cQzFNy Not widely reported by deficit peacocks
- People of color or with funny sounding names aren't a threat to our way of life. But they make good scapegoats http://bit.ly/bPo7Hp
- Famous directors in haiku form http://bit.ly/9hLvCj
- The Original Reagan Democrat http://bit.ly/cUenlt H/T Digby http://bit.ly/aizpOt
- GOP to voters: We don't need your stinking primary votes, we decide http://bit.ly/986SnY And the Press did such a great job of vetting Maes
- Recessions Are For The Little People http://bit.ly/anazjz Finally a chance to score a major Victory in the War on the Small People
- Inequality back at record highs http://bit.ly/98FSV8 from governing like Republicans
- Arizonans might consider their white-supremacist problem http://bit.ly/bkvcdQ Hey, the 2nd Amendment allows White Men to shotgun non-whites.
- Google Public Policy Blog: Texas inquires on our approach to competition http://bit.ly/9F4LbC Three complaints all by Microsoft fronts
- Who's Hurting? Job Losses by Labor Sector, Gender, Race - Interactive Graphic http://bit.ly/d44Q51 American Business attacks men.
- Great comment on neoliberalism http://bit.ly/9TAKZ9 Obama and the Third-Wayers really want to destroy the New Deal.
- 'I Had A Dream' : Picture Stephen Colbert, at a 'Restoring Truthiness' Rally http://bit.ly/afiOhT And Special Guest: Tina Fey!
- Deficits fixed on top 0.1% backs & preserving low cost quality govt health care won't win the War on the Small People. http://bit.ly/9AhxCF
- If the Congress can stick to PAYGO and the long-run growth news is not bad, then we are done with our long-term deficit http://bit.ly/cyiT23
- Rahmism http://nyti.ms/a2iv1k Why is Obama still listening to the people who persuaded him to go for the capillaries.
- What's Really Behind Yesterday's Unemployment Numbers? http://bit.ly/cDaf6h Net: Rich people sit on their money dragging the economy down.
- A mailing from Congressman Grayson about Koch http://bit.ly/910Ztg Koch shows that Government is an investment with excellent ROI
- The Drum Rule: My Unfavorable Review Of The American Prospect's "American Taliban" Article http://bit.ly/9tjT1l Fight among liberal bloggers
- Attractions of Payroll Tax Holiday Diminish Upon Closer Examination, 12/3/01 http://bit.ly/cotSLr repeating analysis http://bit.ly/c3YGuf
- Payroll Tax Holiday a Poor Stimulus Idea http://bit.ly/c3YGuf analysis done 1/26/09 Helps the rich and business does nothing for employment
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